Sunday 6 November 2011

Project Runway Season 9 Final

Three pieces from Kimberly Goldson's collection (left); three pieces from Joshua McKinley's collection (right)

Viktor, Joshua, Kimberly and Anya are the final four for this season project runway !

Three pieces from Viktor Luna's collection (left); three pieces from Anya Ayoung-Chee's collection (right)

I think all four designers have a different view and aesthetic to their designing, Kimberly a urban edge, Josh with a unique use of materials, daring and boldness to his clothes, Viktor has pure class and elegance while giving a stong vibe ! I love and I mean love that white leather jacket ! Its amazing ! Finally Anya has cool easy flow and stunning use of prints in her collection. I can t decide which collection I personally like the most as there are pros and cons to each collection which i liked and disliked. I think its between Viktor and Anya's collections. Who will be the winner?..(although I already know, I leave it for my next post.)

Images from

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