Saturday 13 November 2010

Look Similar ?!?

Image from: Valery Garrett- Chinese Dress: From the Qing Dynasty to the Present- The Cover
Images of Fan Bing Bing from
Comparing the dragon robe from the Garrett's book cover with Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing's dress at the 'Robin Hood' Premiere- 63rd Cannes Film Festival. Don't you see the similarities !? I actually saw a picture of her from one of my mum's Chinese magazines then searched for it online. I actually quite like this dress for some reason even though it clearly representing the modern version of the traditional Chinese dragon robes, it still look modern and flawless in my eyes that is. Also I read the interview Fan Bing Bing had with Sina Entertainment and loved what she said in the reason behind her fashion choice:

SE: You wore something similar when you signed into Bona Yinglong, do you tend to favor this style of clothing?
FBB: I felt that since this is an international stage, I need to show that I’m from China, not Korea or Japan. Some French had once thought I was from other Asian countries, but with this dress I can express my origin without having to personally explain this to them, so this feeling of nationalism is very important to me.

SE: But in the Chinese mindset, dragons are for males and phoenixes are for females.
FBB: Foreigners think of Chinese girls as gentle and soft beauties, I want to give them a new perspective. Chinese girls can also be powerful, not just sweet or cute. I want to give them something different.

SE: What do you say to Qin Hailu’s microblog on Sina, “[FBB's] so blunt as to wear her ambition in public.” ?
FBB: If she really thinks that’s ambition, then it’s hers, not mine. Fan Bingbing is only a simple person who hopes to show her culture through her dress.

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